Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Right round, like a record, baby...

Not many noteworthy accomplishments in pole recently. Mostly a lot of injuries, frustration, and skipping class. It was amazing how quickly I lost strength. Fortunately, I've also been amazed how quickly it's come back.

I have been (almost) consistent with the Level 6 Aerial class I'm in. The focus is to stay on the pole (and off the floor) as long as possible a la Felix Cane, Jennyne Butterfly, etc. Two students teach new moves every week, which has been fun. I've always found that watching my classmates develop is one of the best parts of these classes. I taught the Clam pose this week, which is good for transitioning into a variety of other poses - the Superman, the Flying Eagle, etc. I was so nervous to be the "example" for the first time and to have all eyes on me!

I took a spinning pole workshop last weekend, which was both thrilling and nauseating. I think I was too overzealous with my spins in the beginning of the class when the sensation was new, and paid for it towards the end. I can't wait to try it again and (hopefully) build up my spin tolerance. It looks so graceful and effortless. The studio has changed all the poles in one room to spinning/stationary ones, so spinning in Open Pole will be easy. I'm also thinking of getting a spinning/stationary pole for my home studio. My Lil Minx chrome was great in the beginning, but now I'd really like a new finish in addition to the option to spin. Maybe an X Pole titanium gold finish? It's supposed to mimic brass grip. Not sure why no one sells removable brass poles...possibly prohibitively expensive? Too heavy?

Monday, October 4, 2010

Hammering in My Head

Well, I may have taken a hiatus from blogging, but definitely not from dancing. Bruises are sore muscles are the constants among all my recent changes. BF is now DF (dear fiance) and, come Dec. 18th, will be DH (dear husband). Wedding planning is a laugh riot.

A new bruise to report as of yesterday. The top of my head. Yes, that's right...the top of my head. The headstand to lay-back to upright sequence has been my goal since I started. Jeremee totally rocked it during her intro demo, and I was determined to master it one day. I have the lay-back to upright down. The headstand from the floor is proving to be more difficult...and painful.

I have tried to photograph some of my more impressive poses recently, with limited success. Might have to enlist DF. Lay-back and reverse shooting star to come in future posts, hopefully.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Ball of Confusion

Well, I knew it was bound to happen eventually. Really just a matter of time.

The lady bagging our groceries tonight asked if I was "OK." I said "Yeah, doing fine." Wearing a more grave expression than I expected, she said "Are you sure?" That's when it occurred to me that she had noticed the purple and green bruises mottling the insides of my biceps. Right where the pole snags me during a Twizzler spin. Also, as it turns out, where BF would grab me to shake me. Not that he ever has or ever, ever would. But the grocery lady doesn't know that. BF now feels the need to go back and explain.

I always thought it would be a co-worker who broached the topic of possible domestic abuse. Not a total stranger. Maybe while BF is explaining that he doesn't beat me, that I just have a crazy hobby, I should thank her for her concern and human kindness.

Monday, June 7, 2010


Finally, some photographic evidence of my home set-up. BF was kind enough to install the large mirrors and provide me with silly but necessary red lighting. Now I just need to work on the stereo system.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Pink Pony

I think I may have finally recovered from the hangover that was The Pink Pony. Over all, it was lots of fun. I feel less weird about the men in my life going now. Those ladies are businesswomen, and I have to respect that.

The dancers really ran the gamut of skill, which I expected. A few were very impressive - absolutely amazing on the pole. Others were slightly less entertaining than a compost pile. It makes me wonder what the requirements are for working there. Clearly, some of the dancers take it more seriously than others - There to do their jobs and go home, which I can't blame them for. There were definitely some mega-pervs gazing straight into some of the dancer's crotches.

We showered the ones that wowed us with cash, and they came over to chat after their stints on stage. Some really seemed to appreciate our interest in the technical aspects of their work. Elegant pole work didn't seem to pay the bills, however. I got the impression that some of the ladies were more skilled than they let on, and simply resorted to ass jiggling because it's what pulled in the cash.

After a few drinks, I was ready to give up my life in a cube and hit the pole. I don't mind being naked, and I LOVE dancing. And, oh, the shoes! However, I have to assume that reality is very different that what I saw. My few minutes in the ladies' restroom/strippers' locker room probably did not paint an accurate picture. Otherwise, I would know more strippers, right?

My genius idea for a hangover cure the next morning was a huge egg breakfast followed by my very first Jiggle It class. Maybe one or the other would have worked. In concert, they were cruel and unusual punishment.

Jiggle It was phenomenal, though. An intense work-out, for sure, but so fun I barely noticed I was Lamaze breathing. Having grown up a white girl in the rural South, I was not born jiggling. This will certainly add filler to my routines, and if it can do for my lower body what pole has done for my upper body, I will be one happy camper.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Turn and Face the Strange (Ch-ch-changes)

Our informal class field-trip to the Pink Pony is tonight. I am hoping for a bevy of hilarious stories to share with my small audience later. I'm definitely excited, but a little nervous. Lots of questions, since this will be my first trip to a strip club. How do my skills compare to the professionals? How do I "tip" the dancers? Where the hell does a person get that many one dollar bills?

I figured I would visit one of these establishments at some point. I don't consider myself a prude, and things happen when you've had a few too many cosmos. I just assumed it would be a silly, Bucket List sort of thing rather than an educational endeavor.

BF is visibly nervous about this excursion. I was told "No getting on stage" but somehow managed a look that got me down to "No stripping." Like I would...

This got me thinking about other aspects of my life that dancing has changed. My musical tastes, for one, have definitely been impacted. I remember one of my instructors saying as much on day one of level 1. Songs that you would listen to in the car are not necessarily what you want to dance to. Styles of music you wouldn't have considered before will move you to jiggle it. I did not anticipate the number of Lil Wayne songs I would download this year. My iTunes receipts are always a surprise.

Also, my shoe selections. I will admit it's nice to see these lined up next to my collection of sensible work pumps.

The most astounding thought to me, though, is that there are now people in the world that see me as The Girl Who Jiggles to Lil Wayne in Glittery Stripper Heels. Not Accountant with Brown Bag Lunch in Kate Spade Tote. They are almost completely unaware of that person. I like it. It's liberating to only be accountant by day...

Monday, May 10, 2010

All Things in Moderation

I'm really beginning to appreciate the power of rest. My band director in high school (yes, I was a band nerd) always emphasized that the rests are just as important as the notes. Silence adds nuance to sound.

Now, not dancing adds nuance to dancing. I MUST take a few days off a week. Really, 3 hours of practice per week is the max. Especially now that we're inverting (ahhhh!). My shoulders, back, forearms, etc. just can't take any more than that. I get tired, I get injured, and then I get frustrated. Muscles need time to recover in order to come back stronger.

I think rest is going to be the key to learning moves at the pace I was accustomed to. I was perhaps overzealous in my practicing after the home pole installation, and set myself back rather than moved myself forward.

Inverting is a trip. It looked so strange and so scary, but after the first try, it feels like the most natural thing in the world. We rehearsed leg positions on the ground, then took our first shots over a mat. I am not a fan of the mat. It's too squishy to stay balanced on, and I definitely can't wear 6-inch stilettos on it. I was brave enough to try at home over the weekend - under BF's watchful eye in case there were complications. Even with the slicker stainless pole, I can ace it. SO FUN.

I am still having trouble admitting that I pole dance, which is a tad depressing. Now I am more concerned that it's TMI , rather than tarnishing my reputation. Do co-workers really want to picture me shakin' it? Never can tell...